Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Diphu Medical College Results 2019: Staff Nurse, Notice For Skill Test, Language Test & Document Verification

Principal-cum-Chief Superintendent, Assam Hills Medical College & Research Institute, Diphu has declared the result of written test for the recruitment to the post of Staff Nurse. Here is the official notification .

This is for general information of all the candidates who appeared in the written test for the post of Staff Nurse against the advertisement No.Janasanyog/D/1937/19, Dated: 0207/2019 (The Sentinel), No:Janasanyog/D/2709/19, Dated: 23/07/2019(The Assam Tribune) and No.Janasanyog/D/3243/19; Dated: 07/08/2019 (The Assam Tribune), that the list of shortlisted candidates of the written test shall be published on 03/09/2019

There shall, be a skill test, language test and document verification, the details of which including the roll numbers of shortlisted candidates shall be available at the Office website of Directorate of Medical Education, Assam i.e. on 03/09/2019.

The candidates are directed to appear with all relevant documents like age proof certificate, caste certificate, pass certificate of educational qualification, HSLC and HSSLC or equivalent mark sheets, photo identity proof, disability certificate, EWS certificate and any other relevant documents.

Candidates are also to bring the Original Admit Card. No TA/DA is admissible.

Venue: Assam Hills Medical College & Research Institute, Diphu

Official Notification: Click Here .

Schedule for Skill test, Language Test & Verification: Click Here .
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DHSFW, Assam Admit Card 2019: Grade III & Grade-IV 254 Posts (Link Activated)

Director of health Services (FW) Assam/ DHSFW, Assam has issued a notification regarding the new examination date and admit card for the recruitment of  254 posts of Grade III & Grade-IV posts, in the establishment of Directorate of Health Services(FW), Assam 2018-19. The examination will be held on 8th September 2019. The notification reads as follows.

This is for general information that the Written OMR Test for the post of Computor/Field & Evaluation Worker/ L.D. Asstt./ Field Worker/ Social Worker & Grade-IV, in the establishment of Directorate of Health Services (FW), Assam, as per advertisement in News Papers on 02.11.2018 & 03.11.2018 vide Janasanyog/DF/2883/ 18 and also online at on 03.11.2018 vide HSFW/Ess11/13/Pt/2013/8823, dated 02.11.2018, is re-scheduled to be held on 8th September 2019 in 9 districts (Zones) in the State
Name of post:
  • Computer
  • Field & Evaluation Worker
  • L.D. Asstt
  • Field Worker
  • Social Worker
  • Grade-IV 
Examination Date: 08/09/2019 

Official Advertisement :  Computer/Field & Evaluation Worker/ L.D. Asstt/ Field Worker/ Social Worker

Official Advertisement: Grade IV 

Admit Card:  

Eligible candidates are requested to download the Admit Card from the official from 03-09-2019. The Admit Card contains the venue, date and time schedule of the examination, as well as, instructions to candidates. 
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Monday, 2 September 2019

Assam TET Syllabus 2019: Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Validity & Qualifying Marks

Government of Assam has released the notification for most awaiting Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)-2019 for Lower Primary and Upper Primary level for the state of Assam. 
In this article, we will discuss about examination pattern as well as syllabus of Assam TET 2019.

Structure of Assam TET 2019:

The Paper I will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for Lower Primary level (classes I to V)

Paper I (for classes I to V): 

Structure and Content (All Compulsory)

(i) Child Development & Pedagogy (compulsory)
Number of Questions: 30 MCQs
Marks: 30 Marks

(ii) Language I – Assamese, Bengali, Hindi, Bodo, Manipuri, Garo, Nepali, Karbi, Hmar (compulsory-any one)
Number of Questions: 30 MCQs
Marks: 30 Marks

(iii) Language II – English(compulsory)
Number of Questions: 30 MCQs
Marks: 30 Marks

(iv) Mathematics
Number of Questions: 30 MCQs
Marks: 30 Marks

(v) Environmental Studies

Number of Questions: 30 MCQs
Marks: 30 Marks

* All(150) questions will be of MCQ type; each question will carry 1 mark.

The Paper II will be for a person who intends to be a teacher for Upper Primary level (classes VI to VIII).

Paper II –Mathematics & Science or Social Science (Studies) (for class VI to VIII):

(i) Child Development & Pedagogy (compulsory)
Number of Questions: 30 MCQs
Marks: 30 Marks

(ii) Language I – Assamese, Bengali, Hindi, Bodo, Manipuri, Garo, Nepali, Karbi, Hmar (compulsory-any one)
Number of Questions: 30 MCQs
Marks: 30 Marks

(iii) Language II –English (compulsory)
Number of Questions: 30 MCQs
Marks: 30 Marks

(a) For Mathematics and Science teacher : Mathematics and Science
Number of Questions: 60 MCQs
Marks: 60 Marks

(b) For Social Studies teacher : Social Studies
Number of Questions: 60 MCQs
Marks: 60 Marks

(iv) (c) For any other teacher – either iv (a) Or iv (b)

* All(150) questions will be of MCQ type; each question will carry 1 mark.

Duration of examination:

2 1/2 hours (150 Minutes) for Paper-I and 2 ½ hours (150 Minutes) for Paper II. Additional 20 minutes’ time (per hour) will be there for visually impaired candidates.

Minimum Marks for qualifying in TET:

A candidate is required to score 60 % i.e. 90 marks out of 150 to qualify the Teachers’ Eligibility Test (TET). However, for SC/ST (Hills)/ST (Plain)/OBC/MOBC/PWD (PH), there will be relaxation of 5 %. Thus, for these candidates, qualifying marks will be 83 out of 150 i.e. 55 %

* There will be no negative marking.

Medium of question paper:

Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Hindi, English


The validity of the Mark sheet cum Certificate of TET shall be for 7 (seven) years from the date of issue of the certificate by the Empowered Committee, TET, Govt. of Assam.

Important Points: 

* The Test will be only for Paper-I (Lower Primary) and Paper –II (Upper Primary).
* Candidates who intend to appear in both the papers i.e. Paper I and Paper II will have to pay the fee for both the papers separately and will have to submit separate Online Application.
* There will be no verification of documents in support of qualification etc. of candidates while appearing in TET. However, documents of a TET qualified candidate will be verified during the time of teacher engagement process by the concerned authority. In case of submission of false information/claim regarding qualification etc. he/she will be criminally liable


The syllabus for Paper- I & Paper II is as given below- 

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