Friday, 30 October 2020

Ministry Of Environment, Forest And Climate Change Recruitment 2020 - 25 Legal Associate Vacancy

 Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of India.

Last Date: 17/11/2020.

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of India has released a notification for the recruitment of 25 Associates (Legal) vacancy in its Policy and Law Division.

1. Associate (Legal)- A
Educational Qualification & Experience:

Essential: Bachelor’s Degree in Law (LL.B) or equivalent from a recognized University and/ or Institute in India, recognized by the Bar Council of India and having experience of more than one (1) year and upto two (2) years.

Enrolled as an Advocate with the Bar Council of India or any State Bar Council, under the provisions of The Advocates Act, 1961.


(i) experience of handling cases related to environment, forests, biodiversity and wildlife a Government of India or State Government Department/ Board

(ii) possessing a Diploma/ Certificate of specialization in related subjects/ fields from a recognized University/ Institution.

Pay: Rs. 40,000.00 per month

2. Associate (Legal)- B
Educational Qualification & Experience:

Essential: Bachelor’s Degree in Law (LL.B) or equivalent from a recognized University and/ or Institute in India, recognized by the Bar Council of India and having experience of more than two (2) years and upto three (3) years.

Enrolled as an Advocate with the Bar Council of India or any State Bar Council, under the provisions of The Advocates Act, 1961.


(i) experience of handling cases related to environment, forests, biodiversity and wildlife a Government of India or State Government Department/ Board

(ii) possessing a Diploma/ Certificate of specialization in related subjects/ fields from a recognized University/ Institution.

Pay: Rs. 50,000.00 per month

3. Associate (Legal) - C
Educational Qualification & Experience:

Essential: Bachelor’s Degree in Law (LL.B) or equivalent from a recognized University and/ or Institute in India, recognized by the Bar Council of India and having experience of more than three (3) years.

Enrolled as an Advocate with the Bar Council of India or any State Bar Council, under the provisions of The Advocates Act, 1961.


(i) experience of handling cases related to environment, forests, biodiversity and wildlife a Government of India or State Government Department/ Board

(ii) possessing a Diploma/ Certificate of specialization in related subjects/ fields from a recognized University/ Institution.

Pay: Rs. 60,000.00 per month

Age: The maximum age limit for engagement of Associates (Legal) shall be 45 years.

How to apply: Eligible candidates may send their applications in the format prescribed in the advertisement along with all supporting documents to the below mentioned address:

The Director,
Policy & Law Division, Level III, Jal Wing,
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, Aliganj,
New Delhi — 110003.

A soft copy of the duly filled Application Form along with all supporting documents may also be sent to email id within the prescribed time limit.

The last date for receiving applications in the prescribed format along with supporting documents is 17th  November, 2020.

Advertisement Details/ Application Form: Click Here .

Central Coalfields Limited Recruitment 2020 - 75 Junior Overman Vacancy

 Central Coalfields Limited (CCL).

Last Date: 21/11/2020.

Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) has released a notification for the recruitment of 75 Junior Overman vacancy only from eligible female candidates in Central Coalfields Ltd against Advertisement No. CCL/Recruitment/Adv.-Stat./092019/01.

Name of post: Junior Overman
No of posts: 
75 (UR-12, OBC-03, EWS-02, SC-03, ST-07, Backlog (ST)-48)

Age: 18-30 years as on 10/11/2019
Stipend and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will be inducted as Junior Overman (Trainee) in T & S Grade C with initial basic pay of Rs.31852.56 under National Coal Wage Agreement (NCWA)-X and will remain on training for one year.

Educational/ Professional Qualification:

a) Valid  Overman’s  certificate  of  Competency   from  DGMS  under  Coal  Mines Regulation  1957  or  any  other  certificate  in  Mining  which  entitle  to  work  as overman as per Coal Mine Regulation 1957
b) Valid Gas Testing Certificate
c) Valid First-Aid Certificate

Application Fee: Application Fee of Rs 200/- from General, EWS and OBC candidates only through the Online Mode or by the generation of Challan & thereby deposition of the Application Fee at any SBI Branch.

How to apply: 
Apply online on prescribed format at Central Coalfields Limited website from 11/11/2019 to 10/11/2019 Re-Opened from 12/10/2020 to 11/11/2020 only.

Candidates should send the Print-out of the application form submitted Online along with all the relevant documents in a sealed envelope to “The General Manager (Recruitment), Recruitment Department, 2nd Floor, Damodar Building, Central Coalfields Limited, Darbhanga House, Ranchi-834001” preferably through Registered Post/Speed post so as to reach on or before 20/11/2019 21/11/2020.

Advertisement Details: Click Here .

Apply Online: Click Here .

J.N. College, Boko Recruitment 2020 - 6 Assistant Professor, Junior Assistant & Lab. Bearer Vacancy

 J.N. College, Boko.

Last Date: 15 Days.

J.N. College, Boko has released a notification for the recruitment of 6 Assistant Professor, Junior Assistant & Lab. Bearer vacancy in Jawaharlal Nehru College, Boko.

1. Assistant Professor
No of posts:

Subject-wise vacancy:

a) Department: 
No of posts: 02, Category: 01 post reserved for OBC/ MOBC, Roster Point-G and 01 post for Unreserved, Roster Point-46.

b) Department:
No of posts: 01, Category: UR, Roster Point-4.

c) Department: Bodo
No of posts: 01, Category: Reserved for ST (H), Raster Point-50 (Advertised for second time).

2. Junior Assistant
No of posts: 
01, Category: UR-01. Roster Point-3.

3. Laboratory Bearer
No of posts:
 01, Category: OBC/ MOBC-01, Roster Point-6.

Educational Qualification:

a) Assistant Professor:
 For the post of Assistant Professor educational qualification and selection procedure will be as per Govt OM no. AHE.407/2017/44 dated 08.11.2018 with NET/ SLET/SET. Candidates must have latest UGC norms having at least 55% marks at Master Degree level (50% far SC/ST/PWD candidates) Those candidates who are awarded Ph.D. in accordance with the UGC (minimum standard and procedure for award of Ph.D. degree) regulation, 2009 are exempted from the requirement of the condition of NET/SLET/SET.

(ii) Junior Assistant: 
Graduate in any discipline from any UGC recognised university with a
diploma or certificate course in computer operation of minimum three months duration.

(ili) Laboratory Bearer:
 HSLC passed.

Age of the candidates should not be more than 38 years as on 01-01-2020 with relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/PWD candidates and 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates. In this regard, the comply with the Hon'ble Gauhati High Court order dated 21-08-2019 in W.P. (C ) No. 5998/ 2019 and dated 13-02-2020 passed in case no. 1.A. (civil) 4287/2019 in W.P. (C) No. 5998/ 2019 will be strictly followed for those candidates comes under purview of the court order.

- In service candidates should apply through proper channel with NOC from the competent authority.
- The candidates must have Permanent Residential Certificate (PRC) and must know local language.

Application Fee:

(i) Assistant Professor: 
Rs. 2000/- through a non-refundable demand draft drawn in favour of ‘Principal, J. N. College’ Boko payable at UBI, Boko Branch

(ii) Junior Assistant & Laboratory Bearer:
 Rs. 500/- through a non-refundable demand draft
drawn in favour of ‘Principal, J.N. College’ Boko at UBI, Boko branch.

How to apply:

1. The applicants for the post of Assistant Professor must apply in the DHE's prescribed format available in the college website and also in the website of Director of Higher Education, Assam along with all documents and testimonials.

2. The applicants for the Junior Assistant & Laboratory Bearer must apply in the prescribed of
Assam Govt. Part-IX Standard Form along with all documents and Testimonials.

3. The application must reach the Principal within 15 days from the date of publication [DOP: 29/10/2020] of this advertisement.

Advertisement Details: Click Here