Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Chief Inspector Of Boilers, Assam Written Exam 2020 - 5 Junior Assistant & Stenographer Vacancy

Chief Inspector of Boilers, Assam Recruitment

Chief Inspector of Boilers (CIB), Assam has released official written exam notification for the recruitment of 5 Junior Assistant & Stenographer Vacancy under the Inspectorate of Boilers, Assam. 
The list of eligible/ selected candidates for written exam uploaded on the official website (

Chief Inspector of Boilers, Assam Written Exam 2020

Name of posts:

1. Junior Assistant: 4 posts
2. Stenographer: 1 post

Type of exam: Written Test

Date & time of exam: 20 December 2020, at 10 AM

Venue of exam:
 Karmashri Hiteswar Saikia College, Sixmile, Panjabari.

Chief Inspector of Boilers, Assam Admit Card

Call Letters/ Admit Cards for the written exam have been issued to the eligible candidate and sent by post.

Eligible candidates who does not receive call letter sent by post, may collect the duplicate copy of the same from the Office of the Chief Inspector of Boilers, Assam, Lalmati, Guwahati- 29, during office hours by providing suitable identity proof.

Important Web-Links

List of Eligible Candidates: Junior Assistant | Stenographer .
Written Exam Notice: Click Here

CSIR-NEIST Jorhat Recruitment 2020 - 35 Technician Vacancy, Apply Online

CSIR – North East Institute of Science & Technology, Jorhat.

Last Date: 01/01/2021.

CSIR – North East Institute of Science & Technology, Jorhat has released a notification for the recruitment of 35 Technician vacancy. Interested and eligible candidates may apply online here .

CSIR-NEIST Jorhat Recruitment 2020

Name of post: Technician
No of posts:
 35 [UR-21, OBC-2,SC-2, ST-5, UR(OH)-1, UR(HH)-1, EWS-3]

Post-wise vacancy:

Electrician: 2
Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance: 3
Carpenter: 1
Civil Engineer Assistant: 2
Agro Processing: 4

Instrument Mechanic: 2
Plumber: 2
Welder (Fabrication and Fitting): 2
Mechanic (Refrigeration & Air Conditioning): 2
Electronics Mechanic: 2
Computer Hardware & Network Maintenance: 2
Computer Operator & Programming Assistant: 4
Medical Lab. Technician (Clinical Pathology): 2
Laboratory Assistant(Chemical Plant): 5

Eligibility Criteria of CSIR-NEIST Jorhat Recruitment

Age Limit: 28 years as on 01.01.2021

Educational Qualification:

Electrician: SSC/10thStd with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI Certificate in Electrician trade or national/State trade certificate of 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institute in electrician trade.

Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance: SSC/10thStd with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI Certificate in Mechanic Machine Tool Maintenance or national/State trade certificate of 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institute in Mechanic Machine tool maintenance trade.

Carpenter: SSC/10thStd with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI Certificate in Carpenter trade or national/State trade certificate of 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institute in Carpenter trade.

Civil Engineer Assistant:
 SSC/10thStd with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI Certificate in Civil Engineer Assistant Trade or national/State trade certificate of 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institute in Civil Engineer Assistant trade.

Agro Processing: SSC/10thStd with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI Certificate Agro Processing trade or national/State trade certificate of 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institute in Agro processing trade.

Instrument Mechanic: 
SSC/10thStd with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI Certificate Instrument Mechanic trade or national/State trade certificate of 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institute in Instrument Mechanic trade.

Plumber: SSC/10thStd with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI Certificate Plumber trade or national/State trade certificate of 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institute in Plumber trade.

Welder (Fabrication and Fitting): SSC/10thStd with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI Certificate Welder(Fabrication & Fitting) trade or national/State trade certificate of 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institute in Welder (Fabrication & Fitting) trade.

Mechanic (Refrigeration & Air Conditioning): 
SSC/10thStd with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI Certificate Mechanic(Refrigeration & Air Conditioning) trade or national/State trade certificate of 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institute in Mechanic (Refrigeration & Air conditioning) trade.

Electronics Mechanic: SSC/10thStd with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI Certificate Electronics Mechanic trade or national/State trade certificate of 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institute in Electronics Mechanic trade.

Computer Hardware & Network Maintenance: SSC/10thStd with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI Certificate Computer Hardware & Network Maintenance trade or national/State trade certificate of 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institute in Computer Hardware & Network Maintenance trade.

Computer Operator & Programming Assistant: SSC/10thStd with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI Certificate Computer Operator & Programming Assistant trade or national/State trade certificate of 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institute in Computer Operator & Programming Assistant trade.

Medical Lab. Technician (Clinical Pathology): SSC/10thStd with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI Certificate Medical Lab. Technician (Pathology) trade or national/State trade certificate of 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institute in Medical Lab. Technician(Pathology) trade.

Laboratory Assistant(Chemical Plant): SSC/10thStd with Science subjects with 55% marks plus ITI Certificate Laboratory Assistant(Chemical Plant)trade or national/State trade certificate of 2 years full time experience as an apprentice training from a recognized institute Laboratory.

Selection Process of CSIR-NEIST Jorhat Recruitment

The candidates recommended by the Screening Committee will be called for Trade Test. The Trade test will be qualifying in nature and only those candidates who qualify in the Trade Test shall be called for the Competitive Written Examination.

Application Fee of CSIR-NEIST Jorhat Recruitment

Candidates are required to arrange for a crossed Demand Draft for Rs.100/ drawn on any nationalized bank and valid for at least 3 months in favour of “Director, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat” payable at Jorhat. The following details must be filled up on back side of Demand Draft (i) Candidate’s Name, (ii) Candidate’s Category, (iii) Post Code Applied. The Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD/Women/CSIR Employees/Abroad category are exempted from payment of application fee.

How to apply for CSIR-NEIST Jorhat Recruitment

Candidates have to apply online.

The duly signed and filled up application accompanied by self - attested copies of the certificates, mark sheets, testimonials in support of age, education qualifications, experience, re-prints of publications and caste certificate, if applicable along with one recent passport size (self-signed photograph) affixed together with Demand Draft (if applicable) should be sent in an envelope super scribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF___________(Post Code _________)”by post to the address:

The Administrative Officer,
CSIR- North East Institute of Science and Technology (NEIST),
Jorhat-785006, Assam.

Following Documents must be attached along with application form sent by post:
a. Signed copy of the duly filled up application form in the prescribed format
b. Demand Draft of Rs.100./-(Rupees One hundred only) as application fee, where applicable.
c. Coloured photograph pasted on the form and signed across in full.
d. Self Attested photocopy of Date of Birth Certificate.
e. Self Attested photocopies of education qualification certificates.
f. Self Attested photocopy of Caste/EWS certificate, if applicable.
g. Self Attested photocopy of Certificate for category (if applicable), under which age relaxation is claimed.
h. Self Attested photocopies of experience certificates, if any.
i. Self Attested photocopies of PWD category certificate (if applicable).
j. No Objection Certificate (NOC) if applicable.

Important Dates of CSIR-NEIST Jorhat Vacancy 2020

Date of commencement of online applications: 02.12.2020
Last Date of submission of online applications: 01.01.2021 (upto 5 PM)
Last Date of receipt of hard copy of the application print out: 08.01.2021

Important Web-links of CSIR-NEIST Jorhat Recruitment

Advertisement Details: Click Here .

Apply Online: Click Here .

LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme 2020 - Submit Online Application

LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme 2020

LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation
 has released the official notification of LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme 2020LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme is a scholarship to meritorious students belonging to economically weaker families so as to provide them better opportunities for higher education and thus enhance their employability. Interested and eligible candidates may apply online here till 31.12.2020.

LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme 2020 Details

Name of scholarship: 
LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme

Name of awarding authority: 
LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation


Application mode: 

Last date: 
31st December 2020

About LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation

Life Insurance Corporation of India aka LIC is an Indian state-owned insurance group and investment corporation owned by the Government of India. LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation was established on 20.10.2006 as a part of LIC’s Corporate Social Responsibility. The Foundation has been registered with the Charity Commissioner Mumbai and is also exempt under Section 80G of Income Tax.

The objectives of the LIC Golden Jubilee Foundatioare promoting education, health, relief of poverty or distress and advancement of other objects of general public utility. The Foundation has supported projects ranging from construction of Hospitals, School buildings and classrooms, library, computer centre, Old age homes, Hostel buildings for children in tribal areas, Vocational training centres for differently abled persons to provide infrastructural facilities to needy persons in different pockets of the country.

Eligibility Criteria of LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme

Regular Scholar:

- All candidates who have passed Class XII exam (or its equivalent) with at least 60% marks (or equivalent grade) in the Academic Year 2019-20 and whose parents/guardian have an annual income (from all sources) not exceeding Rs.2,00,000 per annum are eligible to apply for scholarship. The grant is provided to students who are interested (and willing) to pursue higher education in the field of Medicine, Engineering, Graduation in any discipline, Diploma Course in any field or other equivalent courses, Vocational Courses through Government recognized Colleges /Institutes or courses in Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs).

- All candidates who have passed Class X exam (or its equivalent) with at least 60% marks (or equivalent grade) in the Academic Year 2019-20 and whose parents/guardian have an annual income (from all sources) not exceeding Rs.2,00,000 per annum. The grant is provided to students who are interested (and willing) to pursue higher education in the field of Vocational Courses through Government recognized colleges/ institutions or courses in Industrial Training Institutes (ITI).

Special Girl Child Scholar:

- To encourage education to girl child, Special scholarship for Girl Child after class 10 for pursuing higher studies in 10 + 2 pattern for two years. The candidate who have passed Class X exam (or its equivalent) with at least 60% marks (or equivalent grade) in the Academic Year 2019-20 and whose parents/guardian have an annual income (from all sources) not exceeding Rs.2,00,000 per annum. The grant is provided to girl students who are interested (and willing) to pursue higher education in 10 + 2 pattern.

** The Regular scholarship should strictly be provided only to students who are going for under-graduation (or its equivalent). This scholarship is not meant for post-graduation studies.

Other Conditions of LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship

(i) Scholarship shall be awarded to the students who have secured not less than 60% marks or equivalent grade in the previous final examination and the annual income of whose parents/guardians from all sources does not exceed Rs.2,00,000/- per annum.

(ii) Selection of LIC Scholar will be on the basis of merit and family background such as percentage of marks in class 12th /10th and annual income of the family. Eligible Students having the lowest income shall be given preference in the ascending order.

(iii) The candidate should secure more than 55%marks in professional streams and 50% marks in graduation courses in Arts/Science/Commerce or equivalent grade in the previous final examination of the course for which scholarship is awarded, failing which the scholarship will be discontinued.

(iv) Scholarship shall not be given to more than one student in a family.

(v) The students should be regular in attendance for which the yardstick shall be decided by the competent authority of the school/college/university.

(vi) Income certificate should be on self-certification basis by way of an affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper for self-employed parents and from employer for employed parents supported by documents (from revenue department) such as land held in the name of parents.

(vii) If a student violates any terms and conditions of the scholarship, the scholarship may be suspended or cancelled.

(viii) If a student is found to have obtained a scholarship by false statement/certificates, his/her scholarship shall be cancelled forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid shall be recovered, at the discretion of the concerned Divisional Administration of LIC.

(ix) LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation will lay down the detailed procedure for processing and sanctioning of scholarships to eligible students.

(x) The scheme shall be evaluated at regular intervals by the LICGJF.

(xi)The regulations can be changed at any time at the discretion of the Board of Trustees of LICGJF.

Rate of LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship 2020

Regular Scholar: An amount of Rs.20,000/- per annum will be awarded to the selected Regular Scholar and shall be payable in three installments.

Special Girl Child Scholar: An amount of Rs.10,000/ per annum will be awarded for selected Special Girl Child pursuing studies in the 10 + 2 Course and scholarship shall be payable in three installments.

Mode of Payment: The Scholarship amount will be transferred to Bank Account of the selected scholar through NEFT. Therefore in case the candidate is selected for scholarship, the Bank Account details and IFSC code and copy of cancelled cheque with name of beneficiary is compulsory.

How to apply for LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship

Only online applications are to be submitted through the link on the home page.

Once online application is submitted, the candidate will get acknowledgement at the email ID provided by him in his online application. Further correspondence will be made by the Divisional Office which is mentioned in the acknowledgement mail. The candidate should ensure to submit his correct email id and contact number for communication at a later date, if required. Bank Account details and IFSC code are not compulsory at this stage.

Important Dates of LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship

Starting date of online application: 

Last date of online application: 31.12.2020

Important Web-Links of LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship

Online Application: Click Here .
Instructions to Candidates: Click Here .

Official Notification: Click Here .

Official Website: Click Here .