Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Guwahati Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2020 - 16 Law Officer And Junior Technical Officer Vacancy

Guwahati Municipal Corporation.

Last Date: 11 & 16/12/2020.

Guwahati Municipal Corporation has released 2 advertisements for the recruitment of 16 Law Officer and Junior Technical Officer vacancy. Interested candidates may apply here .

Guwahati Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2020

1. Law Officer
No of posts:

Rs. 33,500/- pm
Age: 40 years

Educational Qualification: Bachelor Degree in Law with knowledge of computers and MS Office.
Experience: Minimum 2 yrs of experience in the related field is required.

2. Junior Technical Officer
No of posts: 
15 [Civil – 13, Elect -02]

Pay: Rs. 19,000/- pm
Age: 30 years

Educational Qualification:
 Degree/ Diploma in Civil/ Electrical from AICTE approved College/ Institution with knowledge of computers and MS Office and Auto CAD.
Experience: Experience in project preparation /estimation and supervision of Civil/ Electrical works will be given weightage. Fresh candidates may also apply.

Selection Process of Guwahati Municipal Corporation Recruitment

- The shortlisted candidates have to appear for selection process for which no TA/ DA shall be paid.
- Candidates shall bring original documents/ certificates at the time of selection procedure for verification, failing which they shall not be allowed to appear. Candidates are required to bring PAN card or any Valid ID and/ or address proof at the time of selection test(s).
- Incomplete applications shall be rejected and only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview/ test. The list of shortlisted candidates shall be published in the website “”. in the link

How to apply for Guwahati Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2020

Junior Technical Officer: 
Interested and eligible candidates may fill up the Application form and submit in the GMC drop box at the Uzanbazar GMC Office, Guwahati-01 latest by 11th December 2020.

Law Officer: 
Candidates who fulfill the criteria need to fill up the Application form and submit in the GMC drop box at the Uzanbazar GMC Office, Guwahati-01 latest by 16th December 2020.

Advertisement Details/ Application Form: Junior Technical Officer | Law Officer.

DC Office Jorhat Recruitment 2020 - 8 Junior Assistant Vacancy

O/o Deputy Commissioner, Jorhat.

Last Date: 23/12/2020.

Deputy Commissioner, Jorhat has released an employment notification for the recruitment of 8 Junior Assistant vacancy in Amalgamated Establishment of Deputy Commissioner, Jorhat. Interested and eligible candidates may apply online here .

DC Office Jorhat Recruitment 2020

Name of post: Junior Assistant
No of posts: 
8 [UR: 1, OBC/MOBC: 2, SC: 3, STH: 1, EWS: 1]

Pay: PB-2 Rs.14000-Rs.60500 +Grade pay Rs.6200

Eligibility Criteria of DC Office Jorhat Recruitment 2020

Age: Candidate must not be less than 18 years of age and not more than 40 years of age as on 01.01. 2020.
Age Relaxation: The upper age limit is relaxable for candidates belonging to SC/ST categories upto 45 years:for candidates belonging to OBC/MOBC categories upto 43 years; for candidates belonging to ex-Serviceman category upto 42 years and for candidates belonging to Persons with Disabilities category upto 50 years.

Educational Qualification:

a) For the post of Junior Assistant the minimum educational qualification of the candidates shall be a Graduate in Arts, Science or Commerce from a University recognized as such by the State/Central Government or a Degree equivalent thereof and recognized by the state/central Government.
b) Candidates for the post of Junior Assistant must possess a minimum of 6 (six) months Diploma in Computer application from Institute recognized by the State/Central Government and have proficiency on basic Computer application like MS windows, Linux, Mac Excel, PowerPoint. DTP (English/‘Assamese)and internet processing etc.

Selection Process of DC Jorhat Recruitment 2020

a) Candidates applying tor the post of Junior Assistant will have to appear in a written test

The syllabus of the written examination will be as follows:

1. General English (75 marks), General Knowledge (50 marks) Quantitative Aptitude (25 marks)
2. Knowledge of Computer theory (50 marks)
3. Language Skills (Assamese/ Alternative English) (50 marks)

After the written test, the short listed candidates will have to appear in a Computer (Practical) Test (50 marks) and schedule will be intimated accordingly.

b) Final Selection will be done on the basis of merit (Aggregate marks obtained in the written Test and Computer Proficiency Test)

c) The date of venue of the written test will be notified later on through Local News Paper & website Candidates should be well versed in state official language.

DC Office Jorhat Admit Card 2020

Admit Card/call letters for Written Test and Computer Proficiency Test will be sent/intimated to eligible candidates through e-mail/SMS and also will be notified through the website The candidates can download their admit cards from the website.

How to apply for DC Office Jorhat Recruitment 2020

Online form may be filled up w.e.f. 7th December, 2020 (10 AM) onwards to 23rd December 2020 (5.00PM) at

Applicants must upload the following documents/testimonials along with the application:

i. Caste Certificate.(If applicable)
ii. EWS Certificate (If applicable)
iii. Age proof Certificate.
iv. Employment Exchange Registration Card.
v. Admit Card/Pass Certificate & Mark-sheet of HSLC Examination.
vi. Pass Certificate & Mark-sheet of HS Examination.
vii. Pass Certificate & Mark-sheet of Graduation.
viii. Computer proficiency Certificate (6 months)
ix. Applicant's Photograph.
x. NOC from current employer if applicable.

It is mandatory for the candidates to mention a valid Mobile Number and email address in the application form.

Important Dates of DC Office Jorhat Recruitment 2020

* Date of commencement of application: 07.12.2020
* Last date of application: 23.12.2020

Important Web-Links of DC Office Jorhat Recruitment 2020

Advertisement Details: Click Here .

Online Application: Click Here

NIRDPR Recruitment 2020 - 510 Coordinator, Fellow & Resource Person Vacancy

National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR).

Last Date: 29.12.2020.

National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR) has released an employment notification for the recruitment of 510 State Programme Coordinator, Young Fellow, Cluster Level Resource Person Vacancy to work in the identified 250 clusters across all States and UTs. Interested candidates may apply online here .

NIRDPR Recruitment 2020

1. State Programme Coordinator
No of posts: 
10 [SC-01, ST-01, OBC-03, UR-05]

2. Young Fellow
No of posts:
 250 [SC-38, ST-19, OBC-68, UR-125]

3. Cluster Level Resource Person
No of posts:
 250 [SC-38, ST-19, OBC-68, UR-125]

* No of clusters in Assam: 19

Eligibility Criteria For NIRDPR Recruitment 2020

State Programme Coordinator:

30-50 years as on 01/11/2020. Relaxation in the upper Age Limit: by 5 years for SC & ST candidates and by 3 years for OBC candidates.
Educational Qualification: Post Graduate Degree in Social Science including Economics/ Rural Development/ Rural Management/ Political Science/Sociology/ Anthropology / Social Work/Development Studies / History and similar disciplines from any recognized university.

Young Fellow:

 21-30 years as on 01/11/2020. Relaxation in the upper Age Limit: by 5 years for SC & ST candidates and by 3 years for OBC candidates.
Educational Qualification: Post Graduate Degree / 2 years’ Post Graduate Diploma in Social Science including Economics/ Rural Development/ Rural Management/ Political Science/ Sociology/ Anthropology / Social Work/ Development Studies / History and similar disciplines from any recognized university.

Cluster Level Resource Person:

25-40 years as on 01/11/2020. Relaxation in the upper Age Limit: by 5 years for SC & ST candidates and by 3 years for OBC candidates.
Educational Qualification: Class XII pass from any recognized Board of Education.


1. State Programme Coordinator: Rs.55,000/-
2. Young Fellow: Rs.55,000/-
3. Cluster Level Resource Person: Rs.12,500/-

How to Apply for NIRDPR Recruitment 2020

Interested and eligible candidates can apply online at ( .

Last date for receipt of online applications: 29.12.2020 .

Advertisement Details: Click Here .

Apply Online: Click Here .