Wednesday, 9 December 2020

DHS Assam Recruitment 2020 - 50 Driver And Grade IV Vacancy

Directorate of Health Services (DHS), Assam.

Last Date: 16/12/2020.

Directorate of Health Services (DHS), Assam has released an advertisement for the recruitment of 50 Driver and Grade IV Vacancy in newly created districts South Salmara, Mankachar, Majuli, Charaideo, Hojai & Biswanath
Eligible candidates can apply online at the website of Directorate of Health Services (DHS) Assam ( from 7.12.2020 to 16.12.2020.

DHS Assam Recruitment 2020

1. Driver
No of posts:

Educational Qualification: Applicant must read up to Class-X and must have valid four-wheeler driving license (LMV) issued by the District Transport Authority, Govt of Assam.
Pay: Rs.14,000-Rs.60,500/- + GP Rs.5,200/- per month.

2. Grade-IV
No of posts: 

Educational Qualification: Minimum Class-VIII passed

Pay: Rs.14,000-Rs.60,500/- + GP Rs.3,900/- per month

Age Limit:

Candidate should not less than 18 years and not more than 40 years of age as on 01.01.2020. The upper age limit in relaxable for 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC/ STP/ STH only.

Application Fee for DHS Assam Recruitment 2020

No fee is required to be paid.

How to apply for DHS Assam Recruitment 2020

Interested candidates shall have to fill up the online Application Forms available at the official website of the Directorate of Health Services (DHS), Assam ( from 7.12.2020 to 16.12.2020.

Documents to be submitted for DHS Assam Recruitment

The following documents in original will have to be produced at the time of document verification and photocopies of all certificates etc. are to be submitted:

a. 2 (two) copies of recent passport size color photograph duly self-attested.
b. Birth Certificate for age proof.
c. Class VIII passed certificate.
d. Caste certificate (wherever applicable).
e. Permanent resident ship certificate/Domicile certificate (if any).
f. Person with Disability Certificate/Differently Abled Certificate (if any).
g. Employment Exchange Registration Certificate.
h. Economically Weaker (EWS) Certificate (wherever applicable).
i. Valid Driving License Certificate (wherever applicable).

Important Dates of DHS Assam Recruitment 2020

• Staring Dates of online application submission: 7 December 2020
• Last Date of online application submission: 16 December 2020

Important Web links of DHS Assam Recruitment

Advertisement Details: Click Here .

Online Application: Click Here .

Official Website: . 

Social Welfare Assam Recruitment 2020 - 8 Consultant, Accountant, Block Coordinator & Other Vacancy

Social Welfare Department, Assam.

Last Date: 20/12/2020.

Social Welfare Department, Assam has released a notification for the recruitment of 8 Consultant, Accountant, Block Coordinator and other vacancy under the State Project Director, POSHAN Abhiyaan, Assam .

Social Welfare Assam Recruitment 2020

Job Location: SPMU

1. Consultant
No of posts:

2. Accountant
No of posts:

3. Project Associate
No of posts:

Job Location: Baksa, Cachar, Jorhat and Nagaon

4. Block Coordinator
No of posts
: 3

5. Project Assistant
No of posts:

Eligibility Criteria of Social Welfare Assam Recruitment

The Application Form, other terms and conditions, detailed terms of reference including age, qualification, work experience etc. are available on the Department's website and

The candidates will be eligible in his/her own district only for District and Block Level Post. No application will be entertained for the posts if he/she is from outside of their own district. 

Social Welfare Assam Admit Card

The short listed candidates will be intimated regarding date & venue of the interview through Email as mentioned in the Application Form. No separate call letters will be issued to candidates.

How to apply for Social Welfare Assam Vacancy

Application must reach the Offices concerned against each category on or before 20/12/2020 during office hours.

Short Notification: Click Here .

Advertisement Details: Click Here .  

Friday, 4 December 2020

Dibrugarh University PG Entrance Test Result 2020 – Check DUPGET Result

Dibrugarh University PG Entrance Test Result 2020

Dibrugarh University 
has declared the result of the Dibrugarh University Post Graduate Entrance Test 2020 (DUPGET) held on 17th and 18th November, 2020. The candidates appeared in the DUPGET, 2020 can access their Results and download Score Cards by visiting Dibrugarh University official website.

Steps to check Dibrugarh University Post Graduate Entrance Test 2020 (DUPGET)

a) Click the link given in the website: at DUPGET 2020 Result.

b) Put your Roll Number in the specified space. You will find the Score secured in the DUPGET 2020. There will be an Option as Download Score Card.
c) Download the Score Card and take a print out of the same for submission before the Admission Committee along with other relevant documents at the time of admission.
Check DUPGET Result 2020: Click Here