Saturday, 7 November 2020

ESI Scheme Assam Recruitment 2020 - Apply For 23 Grade-III Vacancy

 ESI Scheme, Assam.

Last Date: 21 Days.

ESI Scheme Assam has released a notification for the recruitment of 20 23 Grade-III vacancy of Pharmacist, Staff Nurse, ANM, Lab Technician and Dresser posts.

ESI Scheme Assam Recruitment 2020:

1. Pharmacist
No of posts:

Pay: Rs.14000-49000/- + GP Rs.7600/-
Educational Qualification: Candidates must have passed HSSLC (Science) Examination with Diploma in Pharmacy from Govt. Institute and must be registered as Pharmacist under Assam Pharmacy Council.

2. Staff Nurse
No of posts:

Pay: Rs.14000-49000/- + GP Rs.6800/-

Educational Qualification: Candidates must have 3½ years Diploma Course of GNM from a recognized Institute and must be under Assam Nursing Council.

3. ANM
No of posts: 

Pay: Rs.14000-49000/- + GP Rs.6200/-
Educational Qualification: Candidates must have 1½ years Diploma Course of ANM from a recognized Institute and must be registered under Assam Nursing Council.

4. Lab Technician
No of posts:

Rs.14000-49000/- + GP Rs.5600/-
Educational Qualification: Candidates must have passed HSSLC or equivalent examination with Diploma of Pathological Laboratory Technician from a Govt. recognized Institute.

5. Dresser
No of posts:
 03 06

Pay: Rs.14000-49000/- + GP Rs.5000/-
Educational Qualification: Candidates must have passed HSSLC or equivalent examination with experience in dressing in the hospital for a minimum period of 5 (five) years.

Age Limit for ESI Assam Recruitment 2020: 

The age of the applicants should not be less than 18 years and more than 44 years as on 01.01.2020. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 (five) years in case of SC/ST and 3 (three) years in case of OBC/MOBC candidates.

ESI Scheme, Assam Selection Process:

Candidates whose applications are accepted should appear for written examination to be held at Guwahati on the date to be notified later on.

How to apply for ESI Scheme Assam Recruitment 2020:

• The candidates should apply along with the self-attested copies of all necessary documents (Xerox) as mentioned above with valid Employment Registration card. Each applicant must be accompanied with 2 (two) copies of recent passport size photo, self-addressed 5 (five) rupees stamped envelope and a Character Certificate from Gazetted Officer/Head of the Educational Institute last attended/ Head of the Department last worked. EWS candidates should submit Income & Asset Certificates issued by the competent authority along with the application form. The name of the post applied for should be clearly written in "Bold Letters" on the top of the Envelope containing the application form.

• Candidates from any Government Department or Organization should submit their application through proper channel otherwise the application will not be accepted.

• Applications should reach to the "Office of the Administrative Medical Officer, ESI Scheme, Assam, Surajpur, H/N-19, Bye-lane-2, Jawharnagar, Guwahati-22".

• The last date of the submission of applications along with all the necessary certificates and other testimonials is within 21 (twenty-one) days from the publication date of the advertisement. [DOP: AT,  06/11/2020]

Advertisement Details: Click Here

DC Lakhimpur Admit Card 2020 - 12 Junior Assistant Vacancy

 O/o Deputy Commissioner, Lakhimpur.

Last Date: 30/09/2020.

Deputy Commissioner, Lakhimpur has released an advertisement for the recruitment of 12 Junior Assistant (Grade III) vacancy in the establishment of the Deputy Commissioner, Lakhimpur.

DC Lakhimpur Recruitment 2020 Overview

Name of post: Junior Assistant
No of posts:
 12 [UR: 3, SC: 1, STP: 4, STH: 2, EWS: 2]
Written exam date: 6th December 2020 
Admit card: Not available

DC Lakhimpur Recruitment 2020 Eligibility Criteria

Age: Candidates must not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years of age on 1 January, 2020. The upper age is relaxable for S.C. & S.T. candidate is upto 45 years and for OBC/MOBC candidates is upto 43 years as per Govt. Office Memorandum No. ABP.6/2016/51. Dt. 02-09-2020.
Pay: Pay Bands 14,000/- to 60,500/- & Grade Pay 6,200/- PM with other allowances as admissible under the rule.

Educational Qualification:
(a) Graduate in any streams from a recognized University or a degree equivalent thereto duly recognized by the Government.
(b) The candidate must possess a minimum 6 (Six) months Diploma Certificate in Computer proficiency from a recognized Institute.

DC Lakhimpur Recruitment 2020 Selection Process

Written examination and Computer Proficiency Test (Practical).

Written examination will be held on 6th December 2020. The Call letter / Admit Card will be notified through the The candidates will be able to downloads their Call letter/ Admit Card from the said website.

DC Lakhimpur Admit Card 2020

Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Lakhimpur is shortly going to release the Admit Card of Written Test for the recruitment 12 Junior Assistant Vacancy. Candidates applied for the Junior Assistant vacancy of DC Office Lakhimpur can download their Admit Card at

How to apply for DC Lakhimpur Recruitment

The applications must be submitted online through htps://

The application will be received from Midnight of 10th September 2020 to Midnight of 30th September 2020.

Important Dates:
Starting Date of Online Application: 10 Sep 2020
Last Date of Online Application: 30 Sep 2020
Date of Written Examination: 6 Dec 2020
Download Admit Card: Click Here . [Available Soon]

Advertisement Details: Click Here .

Apply Online: Click Here.

Assam High School TET District Wise Verification 2020 - Check Schedule

Assam High School TET District Wise Verification 2020

Directorate of Secondary Education, Assam has released the official Assam High School TET District Wise Verification 2020 schedule for 5746 Graduate Teacher (Arts & Science) Vacancy.  The district-wise verification of educational qualifications and other records (in original) is scheduled to be held in the respective Districts w.e.f 09.11.2020 to 17.11.2020. The same can be viewed on website at w.e.f. 07.11.2020 (evening).

Assam High School TET District Wise Verification 2020 Overview

Name of posts: Graduate Teacher (Arts & Science)

No of posts: 

Written exam date:
 19th January 2020

Result date: 
4th March 2020

District-wise document verification date:
 09.11.2020 to 17.11.2020

Assam High School TET District Wise Verification 2020 Schedule

The district-wise verification of educational qualifications and other records (in original) is scheduled to be held in the respective Districts w.e.f 09.11.2020 to 17.11.2020. The same can be viewed on website at w.e.f. 07.11.2020 (evening). Candidates who have qualified in Assam High School TET  2020 are requested to attend the verification venue as per the schedule given below.

Documents required for Assam High School TET District Wise Verification

* The applicants have to bring all original documents as submitted in the online process for showing before the District Selection Committee.

* The applicants must bring one set of photocopy of all documents (self attested) including the copy of acknowledgement downloaded and printed after successful submission of their online applications together with a passport size colour photograph (recent) for submission of the same during the course of verification.

* The candidates have also to carry Photo Identification Document such as PAN card / Driving License / Bank Passbook / Adhar Card / Caste Certificate ‘Ration Card / Students Identity Card issued by Recognized Educational Institutions etc. for their identification during the process of verification.

* The applicants must have to maintain COVID 19 protocol and wear face mask at the time of verification.

* Further, the applicants who did not download the acknowledgement yet, they can now download the same from the website through which applicants have submitted their online applications w.e.f. evening of 07.11.2020.

Assam High School TET District Wise Verification Notice

Important Dates of Assam High School TET District Wise Verification

District-wise verification schedule at official website: 07/11/2020 (evening)

Starting date of district-wise verification of documents: 09.11.2020

Last date of district-wise verification of documents: 17.11.2020

Important Web Links

District-wise verification schedule: Click Here . [07/11/2020 (evening)]