Wednesday, 4 November 2020

PG Research Scholarship Assam 2020 - Submit Online Application

PG Research Scholarship Assam 2020

Directorate of Higher Education (DHE), Assam has released the official notification of DHE Assam PG Research Scholarship 2020. Students admitted as LLM/M.Phil/Ph.d/ Post Doctorate Research Scholar in any recognized University for the session 2020-2021 are eligible for this scheme. Interested candidates may apply online for this scholarship.

PG Research Scholarship Assam 2020 Details

Name of scholarship: 
PG Research Scholarship Assam 2020

Financial year: 

Awarding authority: 
Directorate of Higher Education, Assam

Eligible Courses: LLM/M.Phil/Ph.d/ Post Doctorate Research Scholar

Financial Assistance: 
Rs 500 to Rs 1000/- per month

PG Research Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification:

l. Students must have uniformly good Academic records and who have obtained at least 55% marks in the last qualifying examinations (i.e.U.G. & P.G).
2. Students who are admitted as LLM/M.Phil/Ph.d/ Post Doctorate Research Scholar in any recognized University for the session 2020-2021are eligible for the schemes.

Other Criteria:

1. The student must be a domicile of Assam (PRC document mandatory)
2. The Students must have valid (up-to-date) Bank Account in their name (Preferably in SBI) and details to be submitted along with the application(Bank Name, A/C Number, Branch Name, IFSC Code)
3. Scholarship shall be disbursed through DBT system to the beneficiaries.
4. The Candidate should possess the relevant qualification from any recognized Institution.
5. Selection will be made strictly on the basis of merit in all cases and also to be restricted as per budget allocation.
6. The selected candidates will have to execute a bond before awarding the scholarship to the effect that the entire scholarship amount drawn by the scholar shall be refunded if he / she discontinues the research work / study during the tenure of scholarship or violate any terms and conditions of the award.

Value of PG Research Scholarship

1. For Ph.D: @ Rs. 1000/- per-month
2. For M.Phil: @ Rs. 7001-per month
3. For P.G LLM: @ Rs. 500/- per month

Assam PG Research Scholarship Application Form

Intending students fulfilling the above mentioned criteria must apply online at in between 13th October to 3rd 19th November 2020 and take printout after online final submission and submit it to the Registrar/ Principal/ Head of the Institute along with the necessary copies of certificates/testimonials.

The Registrar/Principal/ Head of the Institutions will compile, verify the application form and other relevant documents. After compilation and scrutiny of all applications at the College or the University level, the valid online application form along-with all relevant certificates / testimonials shall be submitted along with approved list to the O/o Directorate of Higher Education, Assam, Kahilipara, Guwahati-781019 under their seal and signature on or before 10th 23rd November, 2020 positively.

Steps to Apply for Assam PG Research Scholarship

Interested and eligible candidates must submit their application on online mode. Here is the basic steps to submit Assam PG Research Scholarship application form online:

* Scroll down, check Important Web-Link's section.

* Click on Online Application Form.

* Official application portal will open.

* Enter your personal and educational details as well as upload all the required documents as mentioned below.

* AT the end, submit your application and take a print out of acknowledgement receipt.

Documents to be submitted with PG Research Scholarship Assam 2020 Application Form

a. PRC from DC/ S.D.O. as Proof of Domicile of State of Assam (Mandatory).
b. Certificate from the Registrar/Head of the Institution in which the candidate is at present studying (Mandatory).
c. Certificate from Research Guide/ Copy of Admission receipt.
d. Final mark sheet of last qualifying examinations (i.e. U.G/P.G).
e. Photograph and Signature of the candidate.

Important Dates of PG Research Scholarship 2020

* Starting date of submission of online application: 13th October 2020
* Last date of submission of online application: 3rd 19th November 2020

Important Web-Links

Official Notification: Click Here .

Online Application Form: Click Here .

Official Website: Click Here .  

Gauhati University Recruitment 2020 - 4 Language Expert, Designer And Technical Expert Vacancy

 Department of Information Technology, Gauhati University.

Last Date: 09/11/2020.

Department of Information Technology, Gauhati University has released a notification for the recruitment of 4 Language Expert, Designer and Technical Expert vacancy against a RUSA- Govt. of Assam funded project “Development of Assamese Font ” at Department of Information Technology, Gauhati University.

Gauhati University Recruitment 2020

1. Language Expert
No of posts: 

2. Designer
No of posts:

3. Technical Expert
No of posts:

Eligibility Criteria of Gauhati University Recruitment 2020

1. Language Expert: Masters in Assamese / Linguistics. At least 3 years experience in Language Technology/ Font / Script Grammar development etc. in Assamese. Adequate knowledge of Assamese Script-Grammar

2. Designer: Professional Course in any Designing Software, adequate knowledge of Graphic Designs, Assamese Font Structure, Assamese Conjunct Characters Rendering, Assamese Font Ligatures with at least 3 years relevant experience

3. Technical Expert: Masters or B.E. / B.Tech in Computer / IT, with at least 3 years experience in Software Development, knowledge of Language Technology in Assamese, Font Development Software

How to apply for Gauhati University Recruitment 2020

Brief Biodata with qualifying examination certificate / mark-sheet and experience details in a single pdf file to be emailed to Co-PI of the project Mr. Kishore Kashyap , Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Gauhati University at on or before 9th November 2020 up to 12 noon.

Online interaction with shortlisted applicants may be conducted on 9th November 2020 in between 2 PM to 4 PM using Google Meet.

Advertisement Details: Click Here

CJM Kamrup Metro Interview 2020 - 2 Process Server Vacancy

 CJM Kamrup Metro Interview 2020

Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM), Kamrup Metro has released Oral Interview/ Viva-voce notice for the recruitment of 2 Process Server vacancy. Candidates who have qualified in the written exam held on 23-01-2020 under the Establishment of Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM), Kamrup (M), Guwahati will have to now appear in this interview.

CJM Kamrup Metro Interview 2020 Details

Name of post:
 Process Server

No of posts: 2

Recruitment authority: 
Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM), Kamrup Metro

Type of exam:
 Oral Interview (for qualified candidates in the written exam held on 23 Jan 2020)

Date of interview: 23, 24 & 25th November 2020

Venue of interview: CJM, Kamrup (M), Guwahati Court Complex

Instructions for CJM Kamrup Metro Interview 2020

a) The Schedule of interview/ viva for the shortlisted candidates with their Roll Numbers can be download from the link given below.

b) No individual call letter will be issued to any candidate.

c) Candidates are directed to reach the venue of interview 1 (One) hour before the scheduled time. The eligible candidates shall have to abide by COVID-l9 safety protocols strictly.

d) Candidates are directed to bring all original testimonials in support of qualification, age, caste certificate, extracurricular activities, driving license etc. along with original admit card issued by the CJM Guwahati. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates.

Important Web-Links
Interview Schedule: Click Here