Thursday, 1 October 2020

Udalguri Judiciary Recruitment 2020 : Apply For 2 Chowkider Vacancy In Udalguri

 O/o District & Sessions Judge, Udalguri.

Last Date: 19/10/2020.

District & Sessions Judge, Udalguri 
has released a notification for the recruitment of 2 Chowkider vacancy in the office of the District & Sessions Judge, Udalguri.

Name of post: Chowkidar
No of posts:

Scale of pay:
 Rs.12,000-37500, GP Rs.3900
Age: The candidate should not be less than 18 years and more than 40 years of age as on 01.01.2020. The Upper age will be relaxable as per norms, Govt. of Assam.

Educational Qualification:
 HSLC Pass and fluent in one or more local languages/ dialects of Assam

Mode of Selection:

How to apply:
 The dully filled up applications in standard form along with self attested copies of 2 (Two) recent passport size photographs, Caste certificate and other relevant documents should reach the office of the undersigned before the last date and same be dropped in the Drop Box “DROP BOX OF APPLICATIONS FOR THE POST OF CHOWKIDER” kept within the premise of District and Sessions Judge, Udalguri or by post. But, the application should reach on or before 19.10.2020.
- The candidates serving in Govt. Department should submit their applications through proper channel. Preference will be given to the candidates working temporarily in the establishment.

- Maximum qualification of the candidate is HSLC Pass. Candidates who appear in the interview by suppressing their higher educational qualification will not eligible for appointment.

- Call Letters will be sent to the candidates in due time or will be uploaded in Udalguri District Judiciary website from where the candidates can download their Call Letters (

Advertisement Details: Click Here . 

DHSFW, Assam Recruitment 2020 : Apply For 594 Grade III (Technical & Non-Technical) Vacancy

 Directorate of Health Services (FW), Assam.

Last Date: 21/10/2020.

Directorate of Health Services (FW), Assam
 has released a notification for the recruitment of 594 Grade III (Technical & Non-Technical) vacancy.

DHSFW, Assam Recruitment 2020

1. Refrigerator Mechanic
No of posts:

Pay: Rs 14000 to 60500, GP: Rs 7600
Educational Qualification: HSSLC passed with ITI Diploma from Govt. recognized institutes.

2. ANM (Auxiliary Nurse & Midwives)
No of posts: 

Pay: Rs 14000 to 60500, GP: Rs 6200
Educational Qualification: ANM Training passed from Assam Govt. Institution or Institution recognized by India Nursing Council and Assam Nursing Council and Registered under Assam Nursing Council.

3. Computor
No of posts: 

Rs 14000 to 60500, GP: Rs 6200
Educational Qualification: Graduate in Arts, Commerce or Science from Government recognized university or equivalent and applicant must possess minimum 6 (six) months Diploma in Computer Application.

4. Junior Assistant
No of posts:

Pay: Rs 14000 to 60500, GP: Rs 6200
Educational Qualification: Graduate in Arts, Commerce or Science from Government recognized university or equivalent and applicant must possess minimum 6 (six) months Diploma in Computer Application.

5. Field Worker/ Social Worker
No of posts: 

Pay: Rs 14000 to 60500, GP: Rs 6200
Educational Qualification: HSSLC passed from recognized Council with minimum 6 (six) months Diploma in Computer Application.

6. Field & Evaluation Worker
No of posts: 

Pay: Rs 14000 to 60500, GP: Rs 6200
Educational Qualification: HSSLC passed from recognized Council with minimum 6 (six) months Diploma in Computer Application.

7. Steno Typist
No of posts: 

Pay: Rs 14000 to 60500, GP: Rs 6200
Educational Qualification: Graduate in Arts, Commerce or Science from Government recognized university or equivalent, Diploma in Stenography from ITI.

8. Laboratory Technician
No of posts: 

Rs 14000 to 60500, GP: Rs 6200
Educational Qualification: HSSLC passed or equivalent with Diploma / Certificate in Laboratory Technician from Govt. recognized institute.

Reservation of posts for SC/ ST (P) / ST (H) / OBC (MOBC) / EWS (Economically Weaker Section) / Women Candidates and Differently-Abled (DIVYANG) candidates will be as per prevailing Government rules / norms.

Age: Candidate should not be less than 18 years and not above 40 years of age as on 01.01.2020. The upper age limit in relaxable for 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC, ST (P), ST (H) Candidates only, 2 years in respect of ex-serviceman and 10 years in respect of Persons with disability.

Application Fee: No fee is required to be paid.

How to apply: 
Interested candidates shall have to fill up the online Application Forms available at the official website of the Directorate of Health Services, (FW) Assam (

The online applications will be available in the Directorate of Health Services (FW), Assam official website ( w.e.f 06-10-2020 to 21-10-2020 till midnight.

Advertisement Details: Click Here .

Apply Online: Click Here . 
[From 06-10-2020]

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

BIS Recruitment 2020 : Apply Online For 171 Asst Director, Steno, Personal Asst & Other Vacancy

 Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).

Last Date: 09/10/2020.

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has released an advertisement for the recruitment of 171 Assistant Director, Personal Assistant, Senior Secretariat Assistant, Junior Secretariat Assistant and other Vacancy .

1. Assistant Director (Administration & Finance)
No of posts:

Discipline wise vacancies :

    Legal : 1
    Finance : 1

Pay: Level- 10 (Rs. 56100- 177500)
Educational Qualification:

Legal : (i) Degree in law from a recognized university/ Bachelor of law; and (ii) Three years‘ experience in the relevant field in Central/ State/ Union Territory Government or Statutory/ Autonomous Body/ Public Sector Undertaking/ reputed Government agency.
Finance :  (i) Chartered Accountant/ Cost and Works Accountant/ Subordinate Accounts Service Accountant/
Master of Business Administration (with finance specialization) from a recognized university/ All India Council for Technical Education approved Institution; and (ii) Three years experience in the relevant in Central/ State/ Union Territory Government or Statutory/ Autonomous Body/ Public Sector Undertaking/ reputed Government agency.

35 years

2. Assistant Director ( Marketing & Consumer Affairs)
No of posts:

Pay: Level- 10 (Rs. 56100- 177500)

Educational Qualification: 
(i) Masters of Business Administration (Marketing) or Master‘s Degree or Post Graduate Diploma in Mass Communication Or Master‘s Degree or Post Graduate Diploma in Social Work from a recognized University/Institution; and (ii) Five years’ experience in the field of Marketing / Mass Communication / Social Work in Central Government/ State Government/ Union Territory Government/ Statutory/ Autonomous Body/ Public Sector Undertaking/ reputed Government agency.

Age: 35 years

3. Assistant Director ( Library)
No of posts:

Pay : Level- 10 (Rs. 56100- 177500)

Educational Qualification: 
(i) Master‘s Degree (Post Graduate Degree) in Library Science or Library and Information Science from a recognized University or Institution or Post Graduate Diploma in Library Science or Library and Information Science from a recognized University or Institution; and (ii) At least five years’ experience in a library under Central Government/ State Government/ Autonomous Body/ Public Sector Undertaking/ recognized University/Institute.

Age: 35 years

4. Assistant Section Officer
No of posts:

Pay: Level-6 (Rs.35400-112400)

Educational Qualification: (i) Bachelor‘s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent; and (ii) Computer Proficiency Test: The candidate should be proficient at least upto Level- 6 of National Skill Qualification Framework. The test shall be qualifying in nature ; and (iii) Qualifying Skill Test in Computer Proficiency

Age: 30 years

5. Personal Assistant
No of posts: 

Pay: Level-6 (Rs.35400-112400)

Educational Qualification: (a) Degree from a recognized University; (b) Computer Proficiency Test: The candidate should be proficient at least upto Level- 6 of National Skill Qualification Framework. The test shall be qualifying in nature; and (c) Shorthand test in English or Hindi comprising dictation test at hundred words per minute for seven minutes which the candidates shall be required to transcribe in forty five minutes (English dictation) and in sixty minutes (Hindi dictation) and knowledge of computer. Visually disabled candidates having disability of forty percent and above will be required to transcribe the matter in seventy minutes for English shorthand test and in ninety minutes for Hindi shorthand test. Permissible mistakes: five per cent. The permissible mistakes shall be relaxable upto ten per cent, if adequate number of qualified candidates (i.e. with five per cent mistakes) are not available in any category against the vacancies advertised.

30 years

6. Junior Translator (Hindi)
No of posts:

 Level– 5 (Rs.29200-92300)

Educational Qualification: Graduate with recognized Diploma in Library Science with three years’ experience.

Age: 27 years

7. Library Assistant
No of posts: 

Pay: Level–5 (Rs.29200-92300)

Educational Qualification:
 (i) Master’s Degree/Post Graduate Degree of a recognized University in Hindi with English as a subject at the Degree level; Or Master’s Degree/Post Graduate Degree of a recognized University in English with Hindi as a subject at the Degree level; or Master’s Degree/Post Graduate Degree of a recognized University in any subject with Hindi and English as subjects at the Degree level; Or Master’s Degree/Post Graduate Degree of a recognized University in any subject with English/Hindi medium and Hindi/English as subjects at the Degree level; (ii) Diploma or Certificate course in translation from Hindi to English and vice versa; or Two years’ experience of terminological work in Hindi or translation work from English to Hindi or vice- versa preferably of technical or scientific literature.

27 years

8. Stenographer
No of posts:

 Level–5 (Rs.29200-92300)

Educational Qualification: (i) Bachelor‘s Degree from a recognized University; (ii) Computer Proficiency Test: The candidate should be proficient at least upto Level- 5 of National Skill Qualification Framework. The test shall be qualifying in nature; and (iii) Shorthand Test: English/Hindi Shorthand test at the speed of eighty words per minute which the candidates shall have to transcribe on Computer in fifty or sixty five minutes, respectively. Visually disabled candidates having disability of forty percent and above will be required to transcribe the matter in seventy minutes for English shorthand test and in ninety minutes for Hindi shorthand test. Permissible mistakes: five per cent. The permissible mistakes shall be relaxable upto ten per cent, if adequate number of qualified candidates (i.e. with five per cent mistakes) are not available in any category against the vacancies advertised.

Age: 27 years

9. Senior Secretariat Assistant
No of posts: 

Pay: Level–5 (Rs.29200-92300)

Educational Qualification:(i) Bachelor‘s Degree from a recognized University; and (ii) Qualifying Skill Test in Computer Proficiency consisting of: (a) Word Processing Test – 2000 Key Depressions in fifteen minutes; (b) Test in Spread Sheets on Microsoft Excel- fifteen minutes ; and (c) Test in Power Point (Microsoft Power Point)– fifteen Minutes

Age: 27 years

10. Junior Secretariat Assistant
No of posts:

Pay: Level–5 (Rs.29200-92300)

Educational Qualification: 
(i) Bachelor‘s Degree from a recognized University; (ii) Computer Proficiency Test: The candidate should be proficient at least upto Level-5 of National Skill Qualification Framework. The test shall be qualifying in nature; and (iii) Typing Speed Test: A typing speed of thirty five words per minute in English or thirty words per minute in Hindi on computer (thirty five words per minute and thirty words per minute correspond to 10500 KDPH/9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions forto each word). ( Time allowed-ten minutes)

27 years

Application Fee: 
For the post of Assistant Director (Administration & Finance), Assistant Director (Marketing & Consumer Affairs) and Assistant Director (Library), the application fees will be Rs 800/- and for the remaining posts the fee will be Rs.500/- .No fee would be paid by SCs/STs/PWDs/ Women and BIS serving employees.

Examination Centre: Guwahati for all NE States.

How to apply:
 Candidates can apply online only from 05 September 2020 [9 A.M.] to 26 September 2020 [6 P.M] .

Candidates will have to go to the BIS website and click on tab “Recruitment Advt./Results” under the head “Career Opportunities” and then click on "APPLY ONLINE" .

Important Dates:

Registration of applications: 05 September 2020 [9 A.M.] to 9 October 2020 [6 P.M]
Application Fee Payment (on-line): 05 September 2020 [9 A.M.] to 9 October 2020 [6 P.M]
Issue of Admit Card for on-line exam.: 20 October 2020* [Tentative]
On-line Examination: 08 November 2020 * [Sunday] [Tentative]

Advertisement Details: Click Here .

Apply Online: Click Here .