Thursday, 24 September 2020

Deputy Commissioner, Dhubri Recruitment 2020 : Apply For 12 Grade-III & Grade-IV Vacancy

 O/o Deputy Commissioner, Dhubri.

Last Date: 06/10/2020.

Deputy Commissioner, Dhubri has released a notification for the recruitment of 12 Process Server, Peon (Grade-IV), Driver (Grade-III) and Khansama Vacancy.

1. Process Server (Grade-IV)
No of posts: 4 (OBC/MOBC-02. UR-02)

Pay: PB Rs. 12000-52000 G.P-4400/- in pay band 1
Educational Qualification: Minimum qualification Class-VIII passed.

2. Peon (Grade-IV)
No of posts: 6 ( ST(H) -01No. UR -04 Nos EWS -01)

Pay: PB Rs. 12000-52000 + G.P-3900/- in pay band 1
Educational Qualification: Minimum qualification Class-VIII passed.

3. Driver (Grade –  III)
No of posts: 1 (UR)

Pay: PB Rs. 14000-60500 + G.P-5200/- in pay band 2.
Educational Qualification:

a) Minimum qualification Class-VIII passed.
b) The Candidate should have professional Driving license for L.M.V. issued by the Competent Authority (Assam State only)

4. Khansama (Grade-IV)
No of posts: 1 (UR)

Pay: PB Rs. 12000-52000 + G.P-3900/- in pay band 1.
Educational Qualification: Minimum qualification Class-VIII passed.

Age: The applicant must not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years of age as on 01-01-2020 as per Govt. O.M. No. ABP 6/2016/51 Dated.02.09.2020. Upper age limit for OBC/MOBC is 43 yrs, SC/ ST is 45 yrs , Ex Serviceman is 42 yrs and Persons with Disability is 50 years as per existing Govt. norms.

Application Fee: NIL.

How to apply: The candidates should submit their application in the PFC Cell, Ground Floor Deputy Commissioner’s Office, Dhubri.

The envelope containing the application must he addressed to the Deputy Commissioner, Dhubri, superscribing the post applied for on the top of the envelope.

The applications are to be submitted with the following requisites attached thereto :-

i. one self-addressed envelope of 5cm x 11cm affixing unused postal stamp of Rs 5/-with three copies of passport size good quality photograph.
ii. Self-attested copies of all certificates in support of educational qualification, age proof certificate, valid employment exchange card, cooking experience certificate (for Khansama), LMV professional driving license (Driver) and caste certificate etc, if applicable.
iii. Candidates belonging to Economically Weaker Section (EWS) should have to submit proper Certificate issued from the competent authority.

The last date of submission of application for the aforesaid posts is upto 5 PM of 6th October/2020.

Advertisement Details: Peon | Driver | Khansama .

DC, Golaghat Result 2020 : Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) For 23 Junior Assistant Vacancy Postponed

 Deputy Commissioner, Golaghat has released the written exam result for 23 Junior Assistant vacancy which was held on 15-03-2020. Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) has been postponed .

The selected candidates will have to appear Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) to be held on 25/09/2020 at Debraj Roy College, Golaghat.

Deputy Commissioner, Golaghat Junior Assistant Result 2020:

Name of post: Junior Assistant

No of posts: 23

Written Exam Date: 15/03/2020

Written Exam Result Date: 21/09/2020

Date of Computer Proficiency Test (CPT): 25/09/2020

Venue of CPT: Debraj Roy College, Golaghat.

Instruction to candidates for Computer Proficiency Test (CPT):

1. Candidates selected for the CPT will report at the venue (Debraj Roy College, Golaghat) between 8.00 am to 8.30 am on 25-09-2020 without fail. No candidate will be allowed to enter the venue after that.

2. Candidates must bring Admit card issued during written Examination & one valid identity proof (PAN card/ Voter Id/ Aadhaar etc.) while coming for CPT.

3. Room nos for conduct of written test will be intimated at the entry point of venue.

4. The written test for CPT will be 9.00 to 9.30 am followed by Computer Practical Test. No separate official communication will be sent to the selected candidates.

5. Timing for practical test Batch wise are as above-

6. Final result will be intimated to the Candidates through website "" and District Administration-Golaghat Facebook page. A copy of the same will also be displayed at the Notice Board of Personnel Branch, DC's office, Golaghat.

Check Your Result: Click Here .

BRM Govt. Model College, DoomDooma Recruitment 2020 : Interview Schedule For 22 Assistant Professor Vacancy

 BRM Govt. Model College, DoomDooma, Tinsukia.

Last Date: 15 Days.

BRM Govt. Model College DoomDooma, Tinsukia has released a notification for the recruitment of 23 Assistant Professor and Librarian vacancy . Check here interview schedule for Assistant Professor vacancy.

1.  Assistant Professor
No of posts: 

Subject-wise vacancy:

1. Assamese 3 posts : 1 post (UR/PWD), 1 post (UR), 1 post (OBC/MOBC)
2. English 3 posts : 2 post (UR), 1 post (OBC/MOBC)
3. Economics 3 posts : 1 post (UR), 1 post (OBC/MOBC), 1 post (UR/EWS)
4. Education 3 posts : 1 post (UR), 1 post (OBC/MOBC), 1 post (SC)
5. Political Science 3 posts : 1 post (UR), 1 post (SC), 1 post (ST(H))
6. History 3 posts : 1 post (UR), 1 post (OBC/MOBC), 1 post (ST(P))
7. Mathematics 1 post :  1 post (UR/EWS)
8. Sociology 3 posts : 1 post (UR), 1 post (OBC/MOBC), 1 post (ST(P))
2. Librarian
No of posts: 1 post : 1 post (UR)


Educational Qualification :

1. Good Academic record with at least 55% marks or equivalent grade point at the Master degree level.
2. Candidates must have cleared NET/SLET/SET
3. Candidate who have been awarded Ph.D degree in accordance with UGC regulation 2009 shall be exempted from
the requirement of NET/SLET/SET
4. Relaxation of 5% may be provided at the Graduate or Master level for SC/ST/Different able categories without including any grace mark. The selection will be made as per the latest guideline issued by the DHE.Govt. of Assam.

 Candidate should not be more than 38 years of age as on 01.01.2020 with relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/PWD and 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates.

* In service candidates have to apply through proper channel with NOC from the appointing authority.
* The candidate must have to submit PRC and to know local language.

How to apply: 
Application with relevant documents along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 2000/-(Rupees two thousand only) non refundable only drawn in favour of Principal, Bir Raghav Moran Govt. Model College DoomDooma, Payable at SBI, DoomDooma Branch must reach the Principal within 15 (fifteen)days from the date of publication [DOP:13/08/2020 ] of this advertisement.

The soft copy of application to be sent via Email: to the Principal, BRM Govt. Model College, DoomDooma and hard copy to be submitted at the time of interview only.

Advertisement Details: Click Here .