Wednesday, 23 September 2020

IBPS PO Admit Card 2020 : PO/ MT X Prelims Call Letter Download

 The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the IBPS PO admit card 2020 on its official website. Candidates who have registered for the IBPS PO preliminary examination can download their admit card online at

It should be noted that the IBPS PO preliminary admit card will be available online up to October 11. According to the schedule available on the official website, the IBPS PO preliminary examination will be conducted on October 3, 10, and 11. The result of prelims is expected to be announced in either October or November 2020.

Steps to download IBPS PO admit card 2020:

- Visit the official website at

- On the homepage, click on the link that reads, “IBPS PO call letter”

- A new page will appear on the display screen

- Click on the link that reads, “download online prelims call letter”

- Enter your credentials and login

- The IBPS PO admit card 2020 will be displayed on the screen.

- Download the admit card and take its print out for future use.

Important Web-Links:

Download Admit Card: Click Here .

DHS, Assam Recruitment 2020 : Apply For Remaining 68 ICU Technician Vacancy

 Directorate of Health Services (DHS), Assam.

Last Date: 28/09/2020.

Directorate of Health Services (DHS), Assam
 has released an advertisement for the remaining 68 ICU Technician Vacancy for Intensive Care Units (ICU) in different dedicated COVID-19 Hospitals in the State, under the establishment of the Directorate of Health Services. Assam, Hengrabari, Guwahati-36.

DHS Assam ICU Technician Recruitment 2020 Details:

Name of post: ICU Technician
No of posts:

Category wise vacancy:

UR- 13 (Male- 3, Female- 10)
OBC- 23 (Male-15, Female- 8)
SC- 8 (Male- 6, Female- 2)
ST(P)- 11 (Male-8, Female- 3)

SH(H)- 4 (Male-3, Female-1)
EWS- 9

Pay: Rs. 14,000 - Rs. 60,500 with Grade pay of Rs. 6200/-
Educational Qualification: 10+2 (Science) passed with diploma in ICU Technology course from Govt. recognized Institute.

Age: Candidate should not be less than 18 years and not above 40 years of age as on 01.01.2020. The upper age limit is relaxable for 3 years for OBC and 5 years for SC, ST(P), ST(H) Candidates only.

How to apply for DHS Assam Recruitment 2020:

Interested candidates shall have to fill up the online Application Forms available at the official website of the Directorate of Health Services, Assam ( w.e.f. 24th Sept to 28th Sept 2020 till midnight.

The following documents in original will have to be produced at the time of document verification and photocopies of all certificates etc. are to be submitted:

(a) 2 (two) copies of recent passport size colour photograph duly self-attested.
(b) Birth Certificate/ HSLC Admit/ HSLC Board Pass Certificate for age Proof.
(c) All Pass Certificates from Boards/ Universities from HSLC onwards.
(d) Caste Certificate (where applicable).
(e) Permanent residentship certificate/ Domicile Certificate (if any)
(f) Employment Exchange Registration Certificate.
(g) Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Certificate wherever applicable.

Advertisement Details: Click Here .

Apply Online: Click Here .
 [24 Sep 2020] 

Gauhati University SOP 2020: Check SOP For Online UG 6th Semester Exams

 Gauhati University will conduct BA, B.Com. and B.Sc. 6th semester exams from September 29 in both online and offline mode. Accordingly, GU has released Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 2020 for smooth conduct of Under Graduate (BA/B.Sc./B.Com. 6th Semester Examinations) under Gauhati University in the online mode.

Earlier, the university had asked students to submit a form mentioning their preferred method of appearing in the examination.

A few salient points of said SOP are as mentioned below.

1. Students who have opted for online/offline examinations are not allowed to change their choice.

2. Those students who have opted neither for offline nor online mode of examinations have to appear in the offline mode only.

3. Students who are unable to appear for the examinations in his/her college are informed to contact the Principal of the nearby college where he/she wants to appear for the Examinations on or before Monday, 28 of September, 2020 without fail. All Principals will keep a record of all such candidates subject, centre and paper wise for smooth conduct of the examinations for such students as well to be sent to the Controller Examinations after the completion of examinations.


Gauhati University Exam Routine: Click Here .

As per the Gauhati University exam SOP, candidates who opted for online exam will receive their login credentials 20 minutes before the commencement of the examination. Candidates will be able to download their question papers by logging in to the Gauhati University exam portal.

Mobile numbers registered for the purpose of examination should remain functional at the time and during all the days of the examination. Scanned answer sheets must be submitted within 30 minutes of the end of the examination, GU said.