Walk-in Date: 29/06/2020.
Assam Agricultural University has released a notification for the recruitment of 8 Young Professional-II for engagement in different locations under the project entitled “Establishment of Biotech-KISAN-HUB at RRLRRS, ICAR-NRRI, Gerua, Assam”.
Name of Post: Young Professional-II
No of posts: 8
Age: Minimum 21 years and Maximum 45 years.
Pay: Rs. 25000/-per month (fixed).
Educational Qualification: Post Graduates in Agricultural Sciences.
Desirable Qualification:
a) Experience in computer knowledge with data analysis and report.
b) Knowledge of the local language.
c) Knowledge of local rural farming situation in the aspiration districts (Baksa, Barpeta & Darrang).
How to apply: Interested candidates may appear and submit an application with Bio-Data and copies of certificates and Produce originals for verification.
Walk-in schedule:
Date: 29.06.2020
Time: 10.30 a.m.
Venue: O/o the Director of Extension Education, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13.
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No of posts: 8
Age: Minimum 21 years and Maximum 45 years.
Pay: Rs. 25000/-per month (fixed).
Educational Qualification: Post Graduates in Agricultural Sciences.
Desirable Qualification:
a) Experience in computer knowledge with data analysis and report.
b) Knowledge of the local language.
c) Knowledge of local rural farming situation in the aspiration districts (Baksa, Barpeta & Darrang).
How to apply: Interested candidates may appear and submit an application with Bio-Data and copies of certificates and Produce originals for verification.
Walk-in schedule:
Date: 29.06.2020
Time: 10.30 a.m.
Venue: O/o the Director of Extension Education, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13.
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